US Holiday Calendar
Know how many days all U.S. holidays and quarterly estimated tax payment dates are away from today over the next 12 months.
Below is a revolving U.S. holiday calendar for the next 12 months that is always updated. Also included are estimated tax payment due dates for paying the IRS. Keep up on which holidays are coming up to plan any promotions or sales you want to have. This resource can help you plan around any holidays where you are closed.
Today's Date is: Sunday, December 22, 2024, 8:16 am PST
December 2024
Christmas Eve
2 days AwayChristmas Day
3 days AwayKwanzaa
4 days AwayHanukkah
4 days AwayNew Year's Eve
9 days AwayJanuary 2025
New Year's Day
10 days Away2024 Q4 Estimated Taxes Due
24 days AwayMartin Luther King Jr. Day
29 days AwayFebruary 2025
Groundhog Day
42 days AwayValentine's Day
54 days AwayPresidents' Day
57 days AwayMarch 2025
Ash Wednesday
73 days AwayDaylight Saving (Start)
77 days AwaySt. Patrick's Day
85 days AwayApril 2025
April Fools' Day
100 days AwayPassover
112 days AwayPalm Sunday
112 days Away2025 Q1 Estimated Taxes Due
114 days AwayTax Day
114 days AwayGood Friday
117 days AwayEaster
119 days AwayOrthodox Easter
119 days AwayEarth Day
121 days AwayMay 2025
Cinco de Mayo
134 days AwayMother's Day
140 days AwayArmed Forces Day
146 days AwayMemorial Day
155 days AwayJune 2025
Flag Day
174 days AwayFather's Day
175 days Away2025 Q2 Estimated Taxes Due
176 days AwayJuneteenth
179 days AwayJuly 2025
Independence Day
194 days AwaySeptember 2025
Labor Day
253 days AwayPatriot Day
263 days Away2025 Q3 Estimated Taxes Due
267 days AwayRosh Hashanah
275 days AwayOctober 2025
Yom Kippur
284 days AwayColumbus Day
295 days AwayIndigenous Peoples' Day
295 days AwayHalloween
313 days AwayNovember 2025
Daylight Saving (End)
315 days AwayVeterans Day
324 days AwayThanksgiving
340 days AwayBlack Friday
341 days AwayDecember 2025
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
350 days AwayHanukkah
358 days AwayCustomers Call Your Business, Not Your Cell Phone
Tired of using your personal cell phone number for your business? Give your business its own phone number.
No additional hardware is required. Use it alongside your current phone. Customers will see your business number when you call them. Not your cell phone number.
Get started by entering an area code below.